Starting a new business is always tough, there are so many unknowns, so many things that can go wrong, and most importantly is the problem you’re solving an urgent problem that the right target audience is willing to pay for right now? That’s the main thing that people usually get wrong, you can start out…
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Lessons Learned at DreamIt Ventures Accelerator
Have a Solid Plan Before coming into the program I would highly stress putting together a comprehensive product roadmap for the duration of the program as well as 2 months after. Start by splitting the upcoming 3 months into individual weeks & writing out goals both for the tech side (development, design, UX etc.) of…
Steve Blank Fireside Chat at AlleyNYC
Tonight I had the opportunity to sneak into a sold-out event at AlleyNYC , organized by Startup Grind. The guest of the evening was the one and only Steve Blank, the godfather of “Customer Development” & author of Four Steps to the Epiphany as well as The Startup Owners Manual. In most startup circles he`s regarded as the catalyst to all…